Expert Root Canal Treatment in Abu Dhabi

root canal treatment


Root canal treatment is a dental procedure that treats infection present at the center of a tooth. This ranges from the process of pulling out the infected pulp, cleaning and then sealing the tooth to reduce the chances of infection. If you are looking for root canal in Abu Dhabi, we at Elite Care Medical Center offer you complete services focusing on delivering the highest quality care to meet your needs.

Procedures in Root Canal Therapy

Diagnosis and Preparation:
One of our root canal specialists in Abu Dhabi will examine the tooth and takes X-rays to determine the level of infection.
Local anaesthesia is applied to the target area to ensure a painless procedure.
Pulp Removal:
The affected pulpal tissue is then removed from the root canal of the tooth.
Cleaning and Shaping:
The root canals are cleaned, disinfected and shaped to prepare for filling.
Filling and Sealing:
The cleaned root canals are filled up with a material that is biocompatible and sealed off to avoid re-infection.
A crown or filling conveniently placed on the tooth to restore its normal function and make it look like a normal tooth.

Signs You Need Root Canal Treatment

Here are some of the signs you need root canal treatment:

  • Persistent pain when chewing or applying pressure.
  • Sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures that lasts for a long time.
  • Discoloration of the tooth or blackening of the enamel.
  • Inflammation or redness around the tooth.
  • A recurring pimple or an abscess in the gum region
dentist-examines-patient teeth

Why Root Canal Treatment is Needed for Children

Children too deal with infected or badly decayed teeth especially due to negligence in dental hygiene, oral diet or accidents. These infections, if not treated, can cause such symptoms as pain, swelling and also hamper the growth of the permanent teeth. At such times, it is important to visit root canal specialists in Abu Dhabi who are adept in handling children. Root canal treatment helps in:

  • Relieving Pain and discomfort from the source of infection.
  • Maintaining the primary tooth until it naturally falls out and is replaced by a permanent tooth
  • Preventing early loss of teeth which leads to misalignment or crowded formation of permanent teeth.

Process of Root Canal Treatment in Children

Diagnosis and Consultation:
We have dedicated pediatric dentist who will conduct examination of the extent of the infection or decay. They will explain to the parents about the procedure.
The child is first given a local anesthesia to numb the specific area.
Pulp Removal:
The dentist will remove the damaged pulp tissue from the root canals.
Cleaning and Disinfecting:
The root canals are reshaped and sterilized to remove any more bacteria present from the root canal.
Filling the Canals:
The cleaned root canals are then filled with a biocompatible material, at times a medicated paste to seal the space and prevent any re-infection.

Why Choose Us?

Choosing expert dentists for root canal treatment is crucial for several reasons:


Skilled professionals with extensive experience in performing root canal procedures.

Patient Comfort:

Focus on providing a pain-free and comfortable experience throughout the procedure.

Advanced Technology:

Use of latest equipment and techniques for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.

Comprehensive Care:

Personalized care plans tailored to individual patient needs.

At Elite Care Medical Center, our team of root canal specialists in Abu Dhabi is dedicated to providing top-quality care, ensuring successful outcomes and preserving your natural teeth. Whether you are looking for the expert root canal dentist in Abu Dhabi or need information on root canal treatment costs, we are here to help you achieve optimal dental health with our expert services.

Price of Root Canal Treatment

The price of root canal treatment in Abu Dhabi varies from case to case. However, we offer affordable and transparent price for all of our dental services. We ensure that everyone gets quality care making our services accessible for everyone.

If you are looking for a root canal dentist in Abu Dhabi, opt for a dental expert who offers precise and comfortable treatments. We at Elite Care Medical Center offer specialist root canal care and strive to make each procedure as efficient and painless as possible. Call us at +971585775027 to know more.