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Professional Warts Removal Services in Abu Dhabi

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Professional Warts Removal Services in Abu Dhabi

Warts are small, non-cancerous growths on the skin caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). They appear on different body areas and are quite harmless but can be unappealing and even painful at times. The virus is contagious and easily spread with direct contact with a wart or something that touch the wart. There are various types of warts that carries distinct characteristics and common locations. If you are thinking of warts removal in Abu Dhabi, we are there for you. .

Different types of warts

Here are some of the common types of warts:

Common warts:
They are usually found on the hands and fingers and have a rough, raised surface that are grayish-brown in color.
Plantar warts:
These are found on the soles of the feet that can be quite painful with a grainy look.
Flat warts:
These are smaller and smoother than other warts and are found on the face, thighs, or arms.
Periungual warts:
This occurs around the nails that can affect nail growth and cause discomfort.
Filiform warts:
These warts are small, long, and thin that appears on the face, around the mouth, eyes, and nose.

Effective warts removal methods

As one of the leading warts removal clinics in Abu Dhabi, we have various techniques of wart removal, which have been very useful, depending of course on the requirement of the patient and the kind of wart. It also includes Cryotherapy, which essentially freezes the warts using Liquid Nitrogen, laser treatment, where a high-intensity light destroys the tissue of the warts, and electrosurgery, which involves burning the warts with an electric current. Other measures include applying salicylic acid to the affected area and immune therapy, which stimulates the immune system to act in fighting the virus.

While removing warts does not usually pose any significant health risk, there are some people who need to avoid it. With weakened immune systems, some stand at increased risk, including those taking chemotherapy and those with HIV. Women in pregnancy also need to avoid certain methods for removing warts, mostly those involving the use of chemicals or strong medications. Also, diabetics should be cautious, especially where treatment on the feet is concerned, to avoid complications.


Advantages of wart removal treatment

Here are some of the significant advantages of face warts removal in Abu Dhabi:

  • Better Appearance: Warts, especially on parts of the body like the face, hands, or feet, look unsightly and often result in loss of self-esteem. Removal would leave the skin smooth and even, restoring confidence.
  • Relief from Pain: Warts, particularly those that grow on the soles of feet—plantar warts—may be so excruciatingly painful that even walking or standing proves painful. Getting rid of them relieves such discomfort, increasing comfort and ease of movement
  • Prevention of Spread: Warts are contagious, spreading to other body parts or other persons through direct contact. By removing warts, the transmission to yourself and other people is reduced, contributing to better public health and personal hygiene
  • Better Skin Health: Most of the warts, if left untreated or unattended, get infected or lead to complications. Their removal can eliminate such issues and keep your skin healthy and free from infections.
  • Enhanced Functionality: Warts on areas of the hands and feet might influence activities of daily living and functionality. So, warts removal restores normal skin function, brings comfort, and allows easy performance of daily tasks.
  • Lower Recurrence Rate: Although warts may occasionally recur, most professional removal methods actually get rid it of the virus, reducing the rate of recurrence. This provides long-term benefits and peace of mind
  • Greater Assurance: When the removal of warts is successful, there will be changes in one's self-esteem and confidence, especially if these warts are located on visible or socially sensitive areas. Feeling good about your appearance can have an impact on your social life and even business opportunities.

Why choose us?

Choosing the right clinic for warts treatment in Abu Dhabi will help in ensuring and obtaining the premier success for wart removal treatment. Here's why selecting a reputable clinic matter:

  • State-of-the-Art Technology: We use cutting-edge equipment and latest technologies. This will provide high accuracy in removing warts, minimize possible discomfort from the treatment, and avert potential complications.
  • Personal Care: We will ensure that personal care is accorded to you based on the needs of each patient. We research your case comprehensively, discuss treatment options with you, and then develop a plan that most effectively addresses your particular concerns and goals.
  • Safety and Hygiene: Book a consultation with us where high standards of hygiene are maintained, that would reduce the risk of infection or complications. Proper sterilization of tools with a clean environment is important for safe procedures.
  • Effective Results: We ensure promising treatment as we use tested methods and treatments for the removal of warts, with less chance of recurrence. Our warts specialist team will provide you aftercare and follow up for its successful healing and long-term results
  • Comprehensive Care: It is in a well-established clinic that comprehensive support is provided, from pre-treatment consultations to explain exactly what to expect from the procedures, through to aftercare guidance. All this helps you feel so informed and confident throughout the treatment process.
  • Insurance and Affordability: We accept different insurance companies and be upfront about their prices. In this way, you can know the costs and decide upon the optimal course to take in terms of your treatment.

By choosing us, we ensure that you will be safe and comfortable when going through the wart removal process.


The type and site of the wart will determine the best method of removal. Cryotherapy, that is, freezing, can be performed along with laser therapy and minor surgery, provided by skilled dermatologists at Elite Care Medical Center.

While most wart removal treatments are very effective, it is not possible to completely avoid the recurrence of warts since warts are manifestations of the human papilloma virus. It is prevented through regular follow-up and re-treatment.

Generally, most forms of treatments available for wart removal in Abu Dhabi are quite effective. Most people will find that after one or a few treatments, their wart disappears, though in some cases, more than one treatment may be required.

Generally, treatments for wart removal are without or with very minimal pain; however, there is minor stinging associated with cryotherapy and laser therapies. Pain can be minimized by the application of skin-local anesthetics.

Typically, a session for the removal of a wart takes 15 to 30 minutes. More time is taken when the size and number of warts treated increase in size and number. Many techniques require a second or more sessions to completely remove the wart.

Self-treatment for warts are over-the-counter available, but dermatologists recommend consulting them for the proper evaluation and treatment. Self-treatment for warts tends to be less effective. There is also a chance of scarring or irritation because of its inappropriate use.